7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy is a unique experience, and while every woman’s body responds differently, there are several common signs that might indicate you’re expecting—and recognizing these symptoms will help you know when to take a pregnancy test. Here are the top seven symptoms of pregnancy: 1. Missed Period A missed period is often the earliest and most

How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

Finding out you’re pregnant when you didn’t plan to be can make it feel like your world has been turned upside down. And thinking about telling your parents is likely only adding to your anxiety right now.  Your feelings are understandable, but there are steps you can take to feel more prepared for the conversation.

What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Think you might be pregnant? While taking a pregnancy test is the first step in finding out, there are symptoms to look out for that could indicate you’re pregnant.  This article will highlight those symptoms. However, if you’re looking for free pregnancy testing near you, contact Assure Women’s Center today to schedule a confidential appointment. 

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in High School?

Finding out you’re pregnant while still in high school can turn your world upside down. You’re likely feeling afraid, uncertain, and full of questions. We get it. And we’re here for you.  The most important thing to know right now is that you have options. The choice about how to move forward is yours alone—but

What is the Difference Between a Blood and Urine Pregnancy Test?

If you have missed your period by more than a few days and have recently had unprotected sex, then you are probably thinking about purchasing an at-home pregnancy test. It’s especially important you confirm your pregnancy if you’re experiencing other early pregnancy symptoms such as tender breasts, frequent urination, fatigue, or nausea (sometimes confused for

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Whether you’re about to take a pregnancy test or wondering if it’s time to go grab one from the store, it’s important to understand exactly how and why they are able to detect a pregnancy. How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?  In order to detect a pregnancy, pregnancy tests use a urine sample to measure for

What to Expect During an Ultrasound 

Planned or unplanned, pregnancy often brings a long list of new experiences. From telling your friends and family, to planning for unfamiliar medical procedures, it can all feel a bit daunting and overwhelming.  Assure Women’s Center is here to help you plan for it all and know what to expect each step of the way.

What Do I Need for an Abortion in Nebraska?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel overwhelmed with your options and have many questions. You may have decided you want to proceed with an abortion in your home state of Nebraska. Or maybe you want more information before you decide and move forward with your next step. Wherever you’re at, we want

Abortion Pill Online

Before You Order an Abortion Pill Online Even though they are not legal in many states, the abortion pill can be ordered on-line. This may seem like the perfect solution, private with little hassle, but is it? Here are just a few things you should think about before looking into ordering the abortion pill online.

What is the Abortion Pill?

What is a “Medical” Abortion? Medical abortions utilize medicine, rather than a surgical procedure, to complete abortion and can only be safely completed within the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. This is why you often hear the term “abortion pill.” An ultrasound is used to determine the date of conception, so they are required before


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