Pregnancy Information
Negative Pregnancy Test
You have just taken a pregnancy test and the results are negative. You may feel relief for the moment, but then you realize that you still don’t have an answer to why you haven’t started your period. Here are a few possibilities recognized by the medical community:
Excess Physical or emotional stress, a very high or very low body weight or a recent substantial weight gain or loss can disrupt production of hormones and affect ovulation. If you have been under a lot of pressure lately, your body may be letting you know. Talk with someone who will listen to you and can help you to find the support you need.
Birth control such as the pill, shot, patch, implants, etc can cause your periods to be lighter or stop altogether. You need to contact your physician if you suspect this might be the cause.
A pregnancy test measures HCG hormones present in your urine. These hormones are present with a pregnancy, but it takes a few weeks for the hormone level to rise to the level they can be detected with a test. This is why it is very important to avoid any alcohol or drug use, as well as other behaviors that could harm the growing fetus until you know for sure that you are not pregnant.
The body can prevent ovulation (release of an egg to be fertilized) when a woman is breastfeeding. This information is to educate you on some of the possible causes of amenorrhea (lack of menstrual period). It is not a substitute for an appointment with
your physician.
Morning Sickness
What causes Morning Sickness?
This type of nausea and vomiting occurs most likely in the first trimester of pregnancy and can affect a woman at any time of day. The increase levels of hormones, stress, sleep disruption, and increased sense of smell all contribute to this situation.
Will it affect my pregnancy?
Morning Sickness will not cause any harm as long as you are able to keep fluids and a healthy diet down. Dehydration is something you want to avoid.
Is a cure available?
There is not a cure with morning sickness, but there are many ways to alleviate the symptoms. You can always reach out to your Physician about other ways to reduce the nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
- Eat a few crackers before getting out of bed first thing
- Smaller, frequent meals during the day
- High protein and complex carbs are good options
- Always have something to drink with you throughout the day
- Avoid fatty, spicy, fried foods
- Keep fresh air moving for comfort and smell
- Continued exercise is recommended by healthcare providers
- Prenatal vitamins are best administered when you can best tolerate them
- Discuss with your Physician which things to take such as B-6, ginger, or possible anti-nausea prescriptions to help
- Rest
- Avoid smoking and secondhand exposure
- Acupuncture or pressure wristbands
When to call a Physician:
- Nausea and Vomiting aren’t improving (vomiting more than 3-4 times in a 24 hour period)
- You are losing weight
- Vomit contains blood or coffee ground-like material
- Unable to keep any fluids down
- Unusual non-food cravings, such as dirt or metal
Facts about the Rh Factor
Have you ever wondered, “What is your blood type?” If you know your blood type, you may answer “O positive, A negative, or B positive”. This is a very important question if you are pregnant, even if you have a miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy or an elective abortion. Just as there are different major blood groups, such as type A and type B blood, there also is an “Rh factor”. The Rh factor is the type of protein found on the red blood cells. Most people have the Rh factor, meaning they are Rh positive. Others do not have the Rh factor, making them Rh negative. Instead of saying, “I’m A, Rh negative”, we simply say, “I’m A negative”. A simple blood test can tell whether you are Rh positive or Rh negative.
The Rh factor causes problems when a Rh-negative person’s blood comes in contact with Rh-positive blood. A woman and her pregnancy do not share blood systems. However, a small amount of blood from the pregnancy (whether Rh-negative or Rh-positive) can cross the placenta into the woman’s system. These Rh-negative women become sensitized during their first pregnancy, if the pregnancy is Rh-positive. The woman’s body makes antibodies that attack the blood of the Rh-positive pregnancy in future pregnancies. When this happens, the antibodies break
down the pregnancy’s red blood cells, which cause anemia and/or serious illness, brain damage or even death of the pregnancy. The initial pregnancy and each subsequent pregnancy must be treated and in most cases, the condition becomes worse in later pregnancies.
A simple blood test can identify a woman’s blood type and Rh factor. There are even rapid blood typing kits purchasable at stores or online you can take at home for this information. Another blood test, called an antibody screen, can show if a Rh-negative woman has developed antibodies to Rh-positive blood.
Whether you plan to have an elective abortion or carry your pregnancy to term, you need to have this simple blood test done because without treatment of the antibodies in your system, if you are Rh negative, any subsequent pregnancies will be adversely affected.
Contact your healthcare provider for more information on the Rh Factor. A referral can be given to you by our medical staff.
Medical Services Assure Women’s Center
ACOG (American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology) Approved by Dr. Brian Finley, Medical Director Assure Women’s Center 09/2008