How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Whether you’re about to take a pregnancy test or wondering if it’s time to go grab one from the store, it’s important to understand exactly how and why they are able to detect a pregnancy. How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?  In order to detect a pregnancy, pregnancy tests use a urine sample to measure for

Giving You The Information You Need!

At Assure Women’s Center, we are committed to giving you the answers you need. Only you can make the final decision concerning the outcome of your pregnancy. However, in order to do so you need reliable information. The first step is to discover if you are really pregnant. Assure purchases the most reliable pregnancy tests

What Are the Signs That You Might Be Pregnant?

When is the right time to call and get a pregnancy test? What symptoms should you be looking for? The most important sign is that you have missed your period. In most women, this means they are far enough along for a pregnancy test to be accurate. Before that time, even if other symptoms occur,

Why Are Assure Women’s Center’s Services Free?

Assure Women’s Center knows that discovering one is pregnant can be a vulnerable and scary time. Therefore, Assure wants to make sure that every woman, regardless of her ability to pay, has a safe place where they can find out if they are pregnant or not. At Assure, access is given to accurate medical information. Going

Read This BEFORE You Decide What To Do With Your Pregnancy

You think you might be pregnant and you’re not sure what to do. At this point, even though emotions may be running high, it is important to get the information you need. If you are considering an abortion, there are certain steps that your medical provider should take in order to ensure that you are

Is It Possible to Find Out the Exact Day You Got Pregnant?

Knowing the exact day of conception is a difficult thing. Sperm can live in a woman’s body for up to five days, making it impossible to calculate exactly when conception occurred. It is not a fine science. In addition, women ovulate anywhere from 11 to 21 days after the first day of their last period. Ovulation varies from person

4 Reasons to Visit Assure Before Your Doctor if You Think You Might Be Pregnant

Some women are thrilled to find out they are pregnant. Others, not so much. However, in all cases, it is helpful to have accurate information before telling family and friends, or even before making a decision about the pregnancy. Why stir up a lot of excitement or trouble until it is necessary, right? If you


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