I’m Pregnant and Don’t Want to Be: Plan B or Abortion Pill?

You’re pregnant, don’t want to be, and aren’t sure what to do. You may be wondering which medication can be used to end the pregnancy. The abortion pill and Plan B are not the same, and they should not be taken interchangeably.  The abortion pill ends an early pregnancy. Plan B is emergency contraception designed

Will Nebraska Medicaid Pay for an Abortion?

Are you wondering how you’re going to pay for pregnancy services? With the initial stress that comes with an unplanned pregnancy, financial strain can seem overwhelming. Take the time you need to consider all your pregnancy options. Know you have options and there is financial help available. If you are considering the abortion pill, here

What Do I Need for an Abortion in Nebraska?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel overwhelmed with your options and have many questions. You may have decided you want to proceed with an abortion in your home state of Nebraska. Or maybe you want more information before you decide and move forward with your next step. Wherever you’re at, we want

Will My Insurance Pay for an Abortion in Nebraska?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, your mind is likely filled with questions and worries. Wondering whether parenting, adoption, or abortion is right for you, to trying to find reliable information on each option, you’re in new territory that feels hard to navigate. Here at Assure Women’s Center, we’re passionate about educating women on their

Is It Important to Get Tested for STD’s Before Having an Abortion?

At Assure Women’s Center, we only provide testing for two sexually transmitted diseases, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. We also only provide this testing to our patients who receive a positive result on the pregnancy test.  Why is this? And, why do we only test for these two diseases? Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the two most common

Giving You The Information You Need!

At Assure Women’s Center, we are committed to giving you the answers you need. Only you can make the final decision concerning the outcome of your pregnancy. However, in order to do so you need reliable information. The first step is to discover if you are really pregnant. Assure purchases the most reliable pregnancy tests

Read This BEFORE You Decide What To Do With Your Pregnancy

You think you might be pregnant and you’re not sure what to do. At this point, even though emotions may be running high, it is important to get the information you need. If you are considering an abortion, there are certain steps that your medical provider should take in order to ensure that you are

Why Should I Come to Assure Women’s Center instead of Taking a Home Test?

Many of the women who come to us have already taken a pregnancy test at home. They’ve seen that second red line or the plus sign, and immediately wanted some answers. “Is this test reliable?” “How far along am I?” “What do I do now?” Assure Women’s Center has done a lot of research to

Why You Should Get an Ultrasound Before Making a Choice About Your Pregnancy

You just found out you are pregnant. Now you need to decide what you will do. Circumstances in your life might be shouting one option or another, and the answer for you might seem clear. So, why should get an ultrasound before you choose? The age we live in presents us with instant answers about


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