Abortion Pill Online

Before You Order an Abortion Pill Online Even though they are not legal in many states, the abortion pill can be ordered on-line. This may seem like the perfect solution, private with little hassle, but is it? Here are just a few things you should think about before looking into ordering the abortion pill online.

What is the Abortion Pill?

What is a “Medical” Abortion? Medical abortions utilize medicine, rather than a surgical procedure, to complete abortion and can only be safely completed within the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. This is why you often hear the term “abortion pill.” An ultrasound is used to determine the date of conception, so they are required before

Do I Need to Take A Blood Test to Find Out if I Am Pregnant?

Assure Women’s Center Considering a blood test?  Having blood drawn is definitely accurate for all women. Almost every week, someone comes to Assure Women’s Center and tells us that urine pregnancy tests do not work for them. They tell us of previous pregnancies that didn’t show up on a pregnancy test until they were a few months

How Accurate Are Pregnancy Tests?

It seems like you can buy pregnancy tests almost anywhere these days. Even the dollar store has them! However, one question always comes to mind: how accurate are they? At Assure Women’s Center, we purchase the best and earliest tests we can find. However, even the very best of tests which require a urine sample

Is It Important to Get Tested for STD’s Before Having an Abortion?

At Assure Women’s Center, we only provide testing for two sexually transmitted diseases, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. We also only provide this testing to our patients who receive a positive result on the pregnancy test.  Why is this? And, why do we only test for these two diseases? Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the two most common

Giving You The Information You Need!

At Assure Women’s Center, we are committed to giving you the answers you need. Only you can make the final decision concerning the outcome of your pregnancy. However, in order to do so you need reliable information. The first step is to discover if you are really pregnant. Assure purchases the most reliable pregnancy tests

What Makes Assure Women’s Center Special?

Assure Women’s Center has existed in the Omaha area for nearly 35 years. They have gained a great reputation for helping women when they find themselves facing a pregnancy and are not sure what to do.  Assure has helped thousands of women to find accurate facts about their pregnancy and to find the best next

What Are the Signs That You Might Be Pregnant?

When is the right time to call and get a pregnancy test? What symptoms should you be looking for? The most important sign is that you have missed your period. In most women, this means they are far enough along for a pregnancy test to be accurate. Before that time, even if other symptoms occur,

Why Are Assure Women’s Center’s Services Free?

Assure Women’s Center knows that discovering one is pregnant can be a vulnerable and scary time. Therefore, Assure wants to make sure that every woman, regardless of her ability to pay, has a safe place where they can find out if they are pregnant or not. At Assure, access is given to accurate medical information. Going

Should You Get a Pregnancy Test if Your Period Lasted Only One or Two Days?

Your periods are usually normal. Yet last month it only lasted one or two days. Should you be concerned? Do you need a pregnancy test? Well, it all depends. In that short time, was your flow heavy or was it light? Shorter periods are sometimes normal. And, the heavier it was, the more likely it


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